Week one, 2017
Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that
I really wanted a photo to sum up my week and when I was photographing some candles I recently bought from a handmade market, I saw this through the viewfinder and knew it was the photo to sum up my first week of 2017. The candle is from Possum & Blossom, a Perth based business who sell a beautiful array of candles and body products.This week I made a devout effort to start the year right, I set my alarm for before 7am, I've flood my body with clean, organic fruit and veggies (you know the wonderful type that come still covered in dirt) and made an active effort to stay active. I've signed back up for a volunteer first aider role and enrolled in yoga classes to restore some inner balance and peace. I've spent extra time working on being mindful and trying to balance my thinking, and taking extra time before getting fiesty with people at work. On my mornings off work I've spent time at the beach, just me and jessie dog running in the waves to cool off and having cuddles with all the new puppies. Dan and I are trying to spend more time connecting, less time on social media (hence this post being late) and work phones.
How was your start to 2017?