Our lives have been completely consumed by renovation but it feels as though nothing is progressing. We've lived in the house for two weeks now without the luxury of a shower (thank goodness we got the bath hooked up) so I've been heading to the gym and to friends houses to wash my hair, I never thought I'd miss having a shower so much! I have so many house pinterest boards and magazines from IKEA and bunnings piling up on the coffee table, but still cant decide exactly what I want which is annoying as we are very very quickly running out of time for me to choose tiles and colours and fitting for the bathroom.
We realised quite quickly the importance of still taking time for ourselves whilst renovating, so the dog beach has been our sanctuary! It's so lovely watching jess run up and down the beach chasing waves. She loves her new garden which is about 4 times the size of the old house.
How has your week been?