"This crazy and unique dream will only end on the day of my death"
The steps at Lapa were an ongoing project by Chilean artist Jorge Selaron whose body was found on the steps outside of his house in January 2013 after countless death threats it is though he ended his life by setting himself on fire. The steps are a magnificent tribute to the people of Rio which Jorge started in 1990, over 250 steps and the walls surrounding after covered in tiles, many of which were donated to Jorge by visitors to the steps. We spent hours looking at all of the beautiful tiles, I have 1000s of photos but decided to be all bloggery and just include the owl and the cat.
Whilst we were there photographers and stylists begun to arrive and a samba band and then through the crowds of tourists strutted the ever so gorgeous Isabeli Fontana. The photography lover within insisted we stayed and I plonked myself on a step at the top of the steps, jiggled to the samba band and watched in awe at the photoshoot.
We then headed back to the pousada and packed our bags ready to head to Argentina.